September 30, 2008
avec l'occasion
September 28, 2008
être satisfaire
- Brand new, ultra-sparkling TRIPOD! Yeyuuh. Thanks dad <3
- My room isn't so much in a mess anymore.
- Oyes, a new compact camera as well. Though I can't actually use it.
- Raya is two days away! *grin*
- I have Twilight, which I'm going to read on the way to Muar.
Other than that, I haven't got much to say. I'm running out of words very fast. And I need my Clarinase. My nose was suddenly filled with a ton of mucus earlier this evening, and since than I've been sneezing my head off. Baka baka.
Oh, the Ouran High School Host Club marathon is over. After, what, 12 hours or so its finally over. I must say, it was quite good. But even so I'm sad that its over and I wished that they could've shown who Haruhi ended up with. Oubviously it would've been Tamaki. But who knows?
Now that Ouran High School is over, I'm going to start watching Pretear. I had the whole box set once but (of course) my younger brothers just had to leave them lying all over the place. Now they're all gone, some of them are scratched. Ah, at least there's still YouTube. Even so, YouTube will eventually delete them *sigh*
Ahmmm, I can hear Victor playing the guitar. He plays it, like, every night. And each time he plays guitar, I grow with envy. Ha, I can't wait to get my own guitar and learn to play like him. Well, so far I've only heard him strumming and plucking. I haven't heard him play any songs yet. Hmm, maybe not just yet.
Can I also have my own Hikaru? *puppy eyes*

Their jokes are really dumb and real crappy. I can spend the whole day watching Ouran High School and not get bored. Same goes to playing Pet Society and Word Challenge on Facebook *grins* I know, I'm childish eventhough I sound mature.
Try watch it. You'll like it fo shooo.
September 27, 2008
cheers to the first
long lost and found

After nearly a year of not-contacting, I finally get to talk to Bazz. How I knew Bazz you ask? Haha. Through a conversation between Zara, Bazz and I last year. Coincidentally, it was also during this time of the year. Eh, no. It was after Raya, if I'm not mistaken. But yeah, about this time of the year.
I haven't talked to him for nearly a year now ever since he finished his SPM and he's now in college, grhhh. He suddenly buzzed me on msn just now. I was, like: Zomga! Its Bazz! So yeah. Darn, I missed him. Oyes, he looks a bit like Nickasaur! and wears braces. He's also supremely tall and stick thin. He also denies being, how to put it, appealing. Haha. Okay, enough said. Anyway Bazz, if you're reading this : I MISS YOU!
I know Zara, unbelievable of him to suddenly msn me :D
September 26, 2008
the ex-files
-Dan Humphrey
Oh so true my dear Dan Humphrey :D
By the way, ever noticed how season 2 is waaaay awesome-er than season 1? Oyes, you bet it is. You'll go "ZOMGA"-ing when you start watching season 2. Ain't that right me fellow Gossip Girl fans? *grins*
cinque jours
Speaking of Raya, I'm in the midst of making a Raya card which I plan to send later. Maybe just via email. But yeah, I'll be sending it. The card is a bit plain, seeing as I'm fresh out of ideas now. Hmmm....I guess ideas will come along in, a few days. I hope. And I have three drafted poems which I mean to post before Raya. Maybe one of these days.
Oyes, I owe my so-called Pakistani brother, Aiman, a McDs apple pie. At least I have money *grins*. Maybe I'll treat him after the Finals. Ahaaa, by that time I'll already have duit raya. So, yeay me! And Kamal keeps asking when am I going to start learning guitar (nak jamming katanya). Darn, I want to! Ugh, and just now I heard my neighbour play guitar again. Envy envy. Dahlah bilik sebelah je. Grrhhh.
One more thing. Any idea where I can get expired film around Ampang? I want to try them out with my Minolta this Raya. Shizzbang, I need to remind me grandpa to search for the tripod. Ah, I'm too lazy to do so.
September 24, 2008

This book is by far the best in the Inheritance Cycle and take it from me, you won't ever regret reading this book. It was so gripping I couldn't stop reading it, but saying so, I finished it in three days even though I couldn't stop reading it. But I guess three days for a 748 paged book is quite fast.
I don't know if any of you have read this. Maybe you've watched the movie but nothing beats the original story. But then again, I won't give out any crucial information in case you decided to read the Inheritance Cycle. But this one is quite moving. I cried reading two parts in this book. And here's a big clue from Blagden (from Eldest) to one of the parts which I cried at:
- While two may share two,
And one of two is certainly one,
One might be two.
Aghhh, I can't wait for the fourth book to come out. Drat. It'll be quite a while until the last one comes out. No matter, I've signed up for the newsletter so I'll be updated. But at times I can't be bothered to read it anyway. I just scroll through it. Lol.
je n'ai pas triste
At the time, I was accompanying Aliyah to the toilet because she forgot to tie her hair up during the previous visit to the toilet. While I was waiting for her, I faced the wall opposite the mirror and saw two names on the wall: one was..well, Iqbal's (and he guessed it was someone from our class who wrote it). The second one was, surprisingly, mine. Apparently, its been there for nearly a week. It wrote:
Lame, I knoow. And did I burst into tears? No. I was laughing my head off. Yes, I was. Haha. Just because I'm sensitive doesn't mean I burst into tears when I read or hear someone talking behind my back. I mean, come on lah weh. You write something that isn't true about me and you expect me to cry my eyes off? Hah, I'm not giving you that satisfaction.
Aliyah was surprised that I wasn't at all mad at whoever who wrote my name on the wall. Actually, deep down at the bottom of my heart, I was. But well, its not worth getting mad at anyway. Its just a little glitch. Not even close to little. Microscopic would be more suitable. Yes, microscopic glitch.
I told Iqbal about it when we got back from the toilet and he did have his suspicions. I didn't jump to conclusions though. I didn't dare say anything, because it could've been anyone. So yeah. If that someone who wrote that about me is someone I know, I might not forgive her even if she cajoles until the day she dies. Honestly speaking, these kind of people are not worth knowing and acknowledging.
Wanted to tell Esah about it, but I forgot to. Sorry :(
September 22, 2008
sur l'occasion
Okay, I don't know where I got that from. Super wierd I tell you. Anyway, enjoy.
"don't you dare say you don't love me because i know you do"
Something New; Bo
But Raya has got me worried: worried that I'll put on weight. Pathetic innit. But get this, an open house is equal to 1500-1600 cals or so. Imagine if you have to visit 3 open houses in a day, multiply that with..say, 1500 cals. Nuts. I know. It will take, like, 3 months of working out. I'm not going through that. Haha.

September 21, 2008
je suis s'ennuyait
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Starting time: 0612
Name: Khadijah/Dijah
Sisters: actually 2, one deceased
Brothers: 3, want one?
Shoe size: 7, 8
Height: 5'4"
Where do you live: Taman Zooview, Ampang
Favourite drinks: Starbucks, and Ribena
Favourite breakfast: hot cakes!
Have you ever been on a plane?: yeah. duh.
Swam in the ocean: yeah, but its hard because you get salt water up your nose :
Fallen asleep at school: usually on the day after i get back from any camp
Broken someone's heart: perhaps. iunno
Fell off your chair: like, duhh. haha
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: no.
Saved e-mails: on occasion
What is your room like: imagine stacks of books, but everywhere.
What's right beside you: pillows, and Hajar
What is the last thing you ate: murtabak, i think.
Ever had chicken pox: standard 5, horrible
Sore throat: thrice a year. feels like someone cut through my trachea
Stitches: nooo....
Broken nose: thank God, no
Do you believe in love at first sight: no, not really.
Like picnics: OMG, yes!
Who was/were the last person you danced with: entahlah, Aliyah i guess.
Last made you smile: who was it aaaa, oyes. Hajar
You last yelled at: Umar, i think.
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: i like everyone, so yeah. i did
Kissed anyone: yeee-no, no.
Get sick: sort of. darn, im always sick aren't i.
Talk to an ex: no. mhhhm
Miss someone: Syaziqer, Fadhil, Nazifa, Mei..semua tu lah.
Eat: just now.
Best feeling in the world: to achieve accomplishment. ahhh :D
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: no. im allergic
What's under your bed: dust, matchbox cars. i have three brothers, what do you expect?
Who do you really hate: dua perempuan yang talam dua muka.
What time is it now?: 0620
Is there a person who is on your mind now: yeah, i suppose
Do you have any siblings: sure, five. want one?
Do you want children: yeah, i guess
Do you smile often: lately, yes. pelik -.-"
Do you like your hand-writing: its...okay.
Are your toe nails painted: no no.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: no ones, thank you
What color shirt are you wearing now: whiteee
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: i was...chasing Hajar around the house
I can't wait till: the skinny jeans trend wears off. seriously
When did you cry last: i can't remember (?)
Are you a friendly person: i...have no idea. maybe i am.
Do you have any pets: Kerfuffle. but she's not alive. lol
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: entah.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now: Hajar? haha, no.
Do you sleep with the TV on?: occasionally
What are you doing right now?: saying nothing while Hajar tugs on my hair -.-"
Have you ever crawled through a window?: yeah, last year! haha
Can you handle the truth?: sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Are you too forgiving?: you can...say that.
Are you closer to your mother or father?: father. we go shopping together yanooo.
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: i...can't remember.
How many people can you say you've really loved?: uncountable. haha. i love nearly everyone don't i?
Do you eat healthy?: haha, trying to. no, actully striving to.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: none. i deleted them.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: not exactly. maybe, iunno
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Esah. idk. haha. i rarely have bad days.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: more to loud i guess.
Are you confident?: no. not at all. i'd fail.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. i had these, AWESOME curls
2. chubby, like gila
3. enjoying life without siblings (LOL)
4. had, barbies. loads
5. watched Sailor Moon, excessively. haha
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. get new spectacles
2. take out the curtains
3. Raya cleaning! lol
4. read Brisingr :3
5. remembering things which need remembering
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Cuppacakes' cupcakes
2. Esah's brownies
3. Snyder's of Hanover's honey & mustard pretzel pieces!
4. Lays sour cream
5. Mum's mini-cheesecakes
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Aller à La Nouvelle Zealand et La Grande Bretagne
2. Get everything on my wish list
3. Buy a villa for my parents in Bali
4. Donate to old folks' home etc
5. Buy loads of Snyder's of Hanover's pretzels
5 of my bad habits:
1. Lazy
2. Loud
3. Worries over the stupidest of things
4. Procrastinating
5. Talks alone
5 places I have lived in:
1. Taman Melawati
2. Taman Zooview
5 jobs I've had:
1. A sister
2. A friend
3. A prefect D:
4. A terrible piano player
5. An unofficial-wedding photographer ;)
5 people I tag: Aisyah Hamid, Aisyah Pahmi and the infinite universe.
ayeee cap'n
So now I'm just waiting for the 4th book. Darn.
Out of boredom, I made a Tumblr account. Yes, I made yet another blog. I made it because lately, I'v been posting a lot, and most of it is not really worth putting it here. In other words: crap. So yeah, hello Basically my junks of the day put into a pretty blog.
And I have NeverShoutNever!'s EP. Oh, yes I do baby and now I'm so proud. Yeah I know, kecoh. But I can't help it now can I?
NeverShoutNever! - Smelyalata
September 19, 2008
i dont feel well
But albeit it all, I would like a soft-seve ice cream.

September 18, 2008

Twilight is coming out November 21st, and its a to-die-for. Darn, I can't wait to watch it. I'm currently rereading Breaking Dawn because-oubviously-I have nothing better to do. And yeah, I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed the rest of the saga. Once you read it, you can't put it down. Trust me. Its like reading Harry Potter minus the wands, cauldrons, spells etc.
Okay, so Robert Pattison looks okay in the movie. But his skin is much too white. Whiter than what I imagined. But he really suits Edward well, and yeah. He's cute. Aghhhh, I can't wait! I wish I had the cable to my phone so that I can upload this picture into it so that I can covet all day. Oyes, and Jacob has shoulder-length hair. Not at all what I imagined. I pictured him to have, like, messy hair. Grhh. No matter, he is MINE. M-I-N-E. Zara, you can have your Chuck Bass :D
And I asked dad if I could go to Yuna's EP launch on the 12th of October. He said, he doesn't know the plans for that particular Sunday so we'll just have to wait and see. At least its better than a 'no'. Oh, and Syaziqer invited me to her open house! Dang, I want to go. I miss her terribly. Asma as well. Grhhhh.
c'est trés mignonne
- " Will you be my boyfriend for 5 minutes?"
Darn. I want to watch Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. And I think I need new set of earphones. Je ne sais pas. Its just a thought.
And Nazifa just texted me! All the way from Sudan. Ahh, I miss you sayang. Come back home soon. And do you know that it's only about 1540 there? Darn.
je suis triste
- I can hear my neighbour, who just got back from Singapore and also used to be my playmate back in the days when I first moved to Ampang, play guitar. I am so jealous right now. Super jealous.
- I've gotten bored of the tracks in my mp3. Any new tracks up for recommendation? Grhh
- I have gotten a bit fatter. Darn, I have to start working out, again. Or else I won't get to fit in my jeans. My clothes are okay though.
- My piano-playing is getting rusty. As well as my flute. Yes, I play flute. And my flute needs to be serviced. As well as the piano because Ibraheem and Umar had this brilliant idea to stand on the piano's keyboard and start stomping around on it. So the B key can't be played. Anyway, it needs to be tuned.
- Yuna's EP launch at KLpac, 12th October! I want to go. Jom Syaziqer.
- I want the box set of Grey's Anatomy. Which I'm supposed to borrow from Abang Shaz. Ohyes, he still owes me a couple of pictures and a present. Wooot.
- I don't remember my French grammar. Ah, mon dieu!
That's a long list. I know. Dismal, dejected, depressed, triste, morbid, distressed and everything else which has got to do with sadness.
And I want soft-serve ice cream. Darn it
September 15, 2008
j'ai d'insomnie

je suis triste
I can't believe I lost my old blog, and I loved it so much because from there I saw how much of me was changing. Now, I have to start fresh and I'm actually lazy to do so. And all my old memories, my old thoughts. Gone. Perished.
It all happened just because I reverted from the new template to the old template to make a few changes to my blog. And then when I tried to revert from the old template to the new one, I just couldn't. Damn. I guess that's what happened to Syaziqer's as well. I really do hope that the creator/moderator/etc of Blogger will fix it.
I think I'll be mourning a lot for the next couple of days. But then again, life goes on kan. So yeah. Anyway, the Akustreka sale is still on just so you know.

Interested? Drop a comment, or leave a message in the box. Oui?