But anyway, its in 1 and a half week's time, so yeah. Happy almost my birthday to me.
I'm going to be a space engineer one day and launch my own rocket into outer space. I want to be the first Malaysian to ever defeat the space technology of Russia and America. Maybe, just maybe, I also want to be the first ever Malaysian, Islam, tudung-wearing, woman to actually set foot on the moon and kick Sheikh Muszaphar's reputation in the butt.
Wuweeeeeeeee. First canvas painting! :D
It took me three sessions to finish this. Used up the first week to draw a rough sketch of it and in the last two sessions, I painted until my arms were weak. Dad wants to sell this but I want it up in the living room but I think I'll opt for dad's suggestion instead. I want moonay. Or, maybe, I can do another painting. Yeah....I'll do that. I have three more canvases.
So...next week I'll be learning facial tones.
And I think I'm participating The Scribbles Project. The ideas are poring out of my ears as we speak. So I think I'll sketch or something and go straight to sleep.
Also. One question: Is this what arts feel like?
By the way, I can't help saying this again and again but well if you want all of the pictures from Monday to Tuesday, please do ask for the thumbdrive from me. But I think Chay Fhei wants it first so I guess you guys have to ask from her when she's done, aite? :D
Via Blogsecret6855.) i am still madly, hopelessly, irrevocably, and unconditionally in love with you.
jeepers, i miss you so much. funny thing is i still have dreams of you, still think of you 24/7. i can’t get you off my mind. your all i can think about.. i love you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Coldplay, Green Eyes
But here I lie
On my own in a seperate sky
Coldplay, Prospekt's March/Poppyfields
Oh Lord.
I feel like baking cupcakes! D:
Okay, I'm going to shower, have lunch and call mum. Boomdeyada.
So what did I do with her, you ask, since I didn’t do her? Well, we did what your average twentysomethings would do in a boring town like ours: we hung out. We watched movies, sang songs for far-away boys and girls and rode our bikes all night under the streetlights. But what I liked most was the times when we’d cycle to the hill outside of town and lie down, side-by-side and talk about life, our dreams, our passions and our feelings.
Might've been the best story I've read. I like it. All of it.
Goodnight people. Enjoy Friday *grin*
C'est fin!
To be honest, I had fun. I don't know why, but I did. I actually went up to the rostrum and said in my normal quirky Kat-ish kind of way, "Hi everyone!" and I giggled. Oh my God, I felt like slapping myself. At least everyone in the meeting room was all smiles and such. Yes, they might've spelt dad's name wrongly but oh well, I had fun *grin*
I don't know what else I have to say. All I know is that right after I got back from KLCC with dad, I shared Victoria sponge and sticky toffee cake from Harrods with dad and everyone else, read Marley and Me and immediately fell asleep until about 4 a.m. Best night ever :D
Good night people. I want to draw. And study.
Let me say this loud and clear:
There's a Gala Dinner?! D:
Received a reply from Doreen after sending in a copy of my slides for the conference and she said there's a Gala Dinner. I nearly fell off my chair. Well, I don't think I'll be going and I don't even know of the details. Haha. No matter, no matter.
Anyway, Umar and Hajar are down with (hopefully) viral fever. Dad says he had a headache earlier today in the office and I, myself, have been sneezing and now my brain feels heavy. Literally. But no matter what it is, I've put some cough, flu and Panadol tablets in my pencil box just in case.
So speaking of pencil boxes, today's exam was fair. But I got frustrated that I couldn't answer the thing about why kidney failure happens which makes me feel like, I don't know, dying. I think I might just get a B for Science. Oh heck no D: So, right now I'm squeezing my brain juice to reread History and also briefly read Geography and do some past year papers. I'm not putting my hopes up too high though.
Mmmm. I think I might not study. Maybe I'll watch Anastasia with ma, pa and Hajar instead. Haha. Hajar doesn't want to eat her medicine so mum made me put Anastasia on for her to watch. Okay, she didn't ask me to put Anastasia on per se, I picked the movie. I can't remember when was the last time I ever watched it. Oh well. But I know I ran under the covers during the part when Anastasia when into the dark place or something? Haha.
Also, in that small booklet, there was a picture of dad back in the day.
See that "handsome" guy with curly wurly hair? That is dad. I took one look at the photo and I was like, "Now, doesn't that look familliar" and suddenly, WHAM, I was reminded of the second speaker of St. Johns, Arief. I fell about laughing. Okay, maybe he doesn't look very much alike Arief but well, somehow something is similar.
Hmmmm. Parents *geleng kepala* :D
A picture from some issue of Harper's Bazaar.
Yeah, its not much but well. Okay, I think I'll try do a pigment pen drawing on canvas after exams. Oh God. Exams are tomorrow and on Wednesday is the Cyber Security conference at KLCC *dies*
“Heartache just stretches
the boundaries of your heart.
I’ll fill it for you.”
Via : Tyler Knott