July 5, 2009

we'll make it through the pain, weather the hurricane

YES! Finally I'm done with my speech and my slides for the conference this Wednesday after school. So all thats left now is to email it to Doreen and forward it to Uncle Iskandar. My God. I don't have confidence in myself at all. Its like debate happening all over again only this time, it involves a room full of 100 people which includes mum and dad. I think I need Uncle Iskandar to spank my head or something. Somehow he made me feel confident the other day when he was briefing me on what to say during the speech. Right now, I have absolutely nada confidence. Bu ke yi.

And besides that, I need to read my Pendidikan Islam notes and pray to God that it all sticks in my head for tomorrow. Lucky I've already read Science last week on Friday after coming back from school. I think I'll do some Math exercises tonight and try to read History and Geography and also....pray that I do not lose my mind or anything else of that matter.

Now. I feel happy after eating mum's cookies and seeing something which makes my heart flood with pride. I am totally going to scan it in later for you to see. Damn it. Its so.....awwwwwww.


Aisyah Pahmi said...

pride? ape ni ape ni ape niiiiiiiii??!?!?!?!?1

Khadijah said...

See above post :D