July 25, 2009


I don't know why but I'm crazily inspired right now. In my brain there's this really big thunderstorm which is producing super brill ideas! One of them is a project for me to do within these two weeks. Oh my God. That reminds me, trials! Damn it. I can't stay away from arts now. Nevermind, I'll try to restrain myself. If it doesn't work, well you can't stop the powerful force art has upon me. Aaaaaa.So, I have this Moleskin-like sketchbook which I haven't touched at all because its so pretty and I want to make sure that all the things which I'll be putting down in there are gorgeous awesome stuff. That is why I'm using my tatty sketchbook with super thin paper. I have another one which I use for classes with Janiz. Anyway, I'm planning to carve patterns out on my Moleskin-like sketchbook. Now I just have to look for a pretty pen knife to use.

And I think I'm participating The Scribbles Project. The ideas are poring out of my ears as we speak. So I think I'll sketch or something and go straight to sleep.

Also. One question: Is this what arts feel like?