Don't say anything. This is just some....long time ago crush which I had on him :D
Also, another addition:
I got tired of drawing and doing lots of Science and Geography exercises until I listened to Coldplay's Green Eyes and came up with that. I was inspired by something I saw on Tumblr. Ah well, inspiration. They're scattered everywhere.
By the way, selamat berbuka. Eventhough its till about an hour to go or so.
I think I'm addicted to painting with acrylics. Anywhoooo.
I'm doing facial tones and such with Janiz and this is something I did last Saturday during class. Somehow, it looks real purty. I'll take a picture of the finished one after I'm done this Saturday. I still have to touch it up and I need to finish painting the clothes on. Uwahhh. I also need to get more canvases. I have no idea what Janiz has planned for me.
And I'm only an hour away from KL! Can't wait to sleep on my bed and hug my feather-filled pillow which was from the days when dad was at England :D
Yusof, take it easy on yourself now that UPSR is only a few days a way. Just make sure you're not too cocky and over confident because then you'll lose it and answer the question stupid stupid answers. This is not to bring you down, but to remind you :) Also, I think-no, scratch that-I know that you can get 5 As for UPSR. Jangan kuat main sudahhhh.
Okay. Yes, you may be annoying some times but whatever it is, you're still my brother. The one I (sometimes) confide to when there's no one available to talk to. Eventhough you tease and bully me a lot, I must say that I'll miss it. So make sure that you'll still be annoying but please, not too much.
So brother, happy birthday and we all love you so much♥
Hello people :D
I'm back, only for today though. I'll be gone to Ayer Baloi for the weekend and next week I'll be on full-trial mode. And the fact that my birthday is next week can't be rid of from my brain. I just hope on that day, the Maths paper will be easy peasy lemon squeezy.
So right now, let me watch Nur Kasih and I'll update later.
R : Holy donuts!We can be pretty crazy sometimes that its just too hard to ignore :)
K : Rachel, donuts have holes! *falls about laughing*
R : HAHA. Holey donuts!
JA : Errrr *looks at us like we're crazy*