So, studies are going pretty well. My brain is currently saturated with History; perjanjians, the Brooke family, names, places etc. In my brain, all I can think of is History, History and more of History. The other day while I was playing piano to unwind, suddenly pops out the areas of Sarawak which the Brooke family conquered back in, uh, 1853 until the early 1900s *sighs*
And I haven't finished my art folio yet which we're supposed to submit this...Thursday. Darn, I'm sooo dead. My dad was like, "Asyik folio je". Yeah, I know. Hello, Ministry Of Education. Can you stop these abundance of folios! We've got to study for exams lagi, and you guys expect us to do folios. What lah. We're tired you know.
Ah, and today's Yuna's EP launch. I think I mentioned once about Dizzy and The. I can't remember. Anyway Auntie Alia, who's my dad's cousin; also (I think) a friend of Yuna's, offered my dad to bring me to Yuna's EP launch. But dad conveniently said I had exams, so I can't go. Darn darn darn );
Oh, and picture spam coming up. I'm going to edit some of them first, but Picnik is...I don't know, wierd? But yeah, I'll post some pictures. Of yesterday's wedding and also some from my photo shoot. Yeah, I did one in my room. I couldn't stand anymore of History so I set up a mini-so-called-studio in my room and put the camera on self-timer mode. Haha. I'll post them up :D
Here's a mini preview:

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