Because my Canon is somehow in Error 99, I have to make do with the Storm. Oh yes, did I mention I got the Storm already? Haha. Slap me please. I need to release my bimboness. Anyway, on with the flight. Well, I woke up at 5 something after a 2-hour sleep because I watched Fringe (teehee) and we went out of the house around 6 something. Reached Subang airport, mum dropped us off, dad bought a padlock for my bad, I loitered and found Starbucks and bought hazelnut hot chocolate and we checked in. Had breakfast at McDonalds and we went to the departure gate. Everything was set, and we took off. Suddenly in mid-flight, the captain came on saying that the plane had a minor technical error and that we will be turning back around to land. That was 9 am. A few minutes later, as I was happily watching the 1996 version of Romeo + Juliet, they said that the flight would be delayed until 12 pm. Great. Just fruitcaking great. Lucky Tok Wak and Tok Bik lived around the area so we dropped by, ate doughnuts, watched Azizul Hasni Awang kick ass and went back to the airport. When we reached the airport, over the departure gate there was the pretty LED sign thing, and it said that our flight was at 1.30 pm. Lagi fruitcake kan?
In the end, we got restless and we all slept soundly on the plane. When we landed, there were already dark clouds in the sky. As soon as I entered the terminal, it started raining. Great timing.
And now, I have the sniffles. Ugh.
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