August 29, 2010
August 28, 2010
August 27, 2010
A : What happens twice in a week, once in a year and not in a day?I honestly can be really, really slow. Slap me people.
*semua orang berfikir*
A : E
*everyone goes OH! and laughs*
K : Wait *processing* Twice in a week, once in a year and not in a day? OH! I get yah. Hahahahaha!
August 25, 2010
Chris Martin
August 22, 2010

August 21, 2010
August 15, 2010
5 Ramadhan
aku stalker
28/6r Curvy
Thank you mommah. And somehow, I don't feel like wearing it because it's too pretty. Haha. Maybe I'll lose a bit of my thighs before I start wearing this. Yeah. Ramadhan, lets go!
And I think I lack writing nowadays. I'm having some sort of a writers block resulting from what happened a few...months back. I don't know. I guess since my aunt's death, I stopped writing for a bit and I nearly gave-up on school work. I don't know how this has got to do with anything, but I'm having a terrible writer's block. I want to write but everytime I pick up a pen or start typing on the netbook I just go blank, period. And I give up altogether. That's why my blog has been *crickets crickets*
Nevermind. I'll try to get back on the right track. We'll see how it goes. Oyes, Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to my readers! :) Jangan tinggal puasa tau.
August 12, 2010
saya dah tua

I'm really thankful that all of you have wished me. Granted, my night wasn't the one I hoped it would be but the phone calls and texts I got made me feel significantly better. Amongst all, I paling sayang Mei dengan Paan

August 10, 2010
i'm not excited
Guess what, I'm turning 16 in 2 days time. Yes yeay yippee! Not.
August 5, 2010
saya dah nak 16 tahun

For once I want my own phone. Like, my own brand-new phone which I didn't inherit from someone else just because my phone broke down or something. And suddenly, of all the phones, I like this one. Haha. Oh well, lets pray God answers my prayers.
Also, a conversation before our test
Damn, I love you people C:E : Kat, your birthday is on the 12th right?
K : Yeah. Why?
E : I think something epic is going to happen that day. What was it aaaaaaa *muka berfikir*
K : Haha. Okay. What? Nevermind. Anyway, I think I want a new phone.
E : OH YEAH! The new Blackberry is coming out. Haha. Ingat apa.